(no subject)

Apr 29, 2010 10:29

post-it note from a box of Christmas gifts my mom mailed us this year.

My mom is gone. She passed, silently, with my dad at her side. Her last moments were very early this morning, and very peaceful in nature. No more struggling, no more anxiety or pain.

I have a wallet that my mom gave me for my birthday this year and it says "Think Happy Thoughts!" on it, which is something she's been saying to me since I was a kid. Every time I pay for groceries, or gas, I see those words and think about how the last thing my mom would want is for anyone to grieve or feel sad on her behalf. She told me a few weeks ago "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid of making you sad." I'm trying to do right by her and miss her, but not feel angry or betrayed by this premature loss of my mother.

One thing I am so grateful for, is the conversation we had right after we found out that she had cancer. She said to me, out of the blue, "You're such a good mother. I'm so proud of you." That was really out of character for my mom, and she could never have known then how important that would be to say. Always say the wonderful things that you are thinking! Tell people how great they are!

I am grateful for the sharing that we do here. Thanks for always being supportive and loving.

Now go hug some people!


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