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Apr 27, 2009 00:09

ooc: Prompt given by adarkfallenstar"The death of hubby #2"

This has been in the back of my mind for a while and it was only last night did I manage to finally figure out how I'd write this.

The dranichian glances over her shoulder, her gaze traveling along the wrinkles in the bed sheet until they rest on the unmoving figure that had been her second husband. )

flashback, fic - personal, involves: jerome from legal

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adarkfallenstar April 29 2009, 05:05:27 UTC
This was great.
Nice touch with the middle of the night setting, it made everything seemed panicked and sudden, like the "real" situation was.

Wow, Angela went Momma Bear on Donovan. Yay. Good for her. That'll learn him to threaten her and her little man. I really like that you made him a xenophile...who is in turn disgusted and fearful of the unknown...a poser xenophile.

I love the wordplay between Angela and Jerome...two "sort of similar" types who are manipulating each other, but in the end, won't really harm one another.


handsthatsmile April 29 2009, 14:08:22 UTC
Originally he was supposed to die accidentally. I had at first intended to have Angela ask Mike his thoughts on Donovan and he is careful in his response but they kinda both knew he wasn't impressed with him. So Angela subconsciously starts to wonder whether Donovan was the right choice, which he isn't.

And yes, the "real" situation was sudden. Not necessarily a heat of the moment thing because she really will eat anyone who threatens her that she can't silence any other way (i.e. have them committed to an insane asylum because bribery isn't always a guarantee for silence).

I really want to write out a conversation between Angela and Jerome about their views on humanity in general. Duuuuude I so want Jerome and Darkles to talk to each other 8D


adarkfallenstar April 30 2009, 00:26:56 UTC
The Darkles is hard to impress, this is true...but look at his Mom...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree XD.

No, he doesn't ultimately sound like the right choiceand that gets handled.

The Jerome and Angela idea sounds like a great ficlet ^_^
What would they talk about?


handsthatsmile April 30 2009, 01:54:51 UTC
Darkles really takes more after mommy dearest XDDD

Angela wouldn't have had to eat him if he hadn't freaked out so much and threatened to reveal her secret XD she's willing to make it work, if only because it's so inconvenient to have to do everything all over again.

Demmit I should not be shipping two parasites together but I'm such a sucker for these antagonistic pairings XD (hence DarkCaster and MyTrax love)

Is it strange of me to wonder why the Plumbers don't have a judicial branch? I mean, maybe the idea of justice is a strictly "Earth" or "human" concept, but you'd think there'd be a trial or something before they just... toss beings into jail/null void.


adarkfallenstar April 30 2009, 15:14:58 UTC
He does. :3

If he'd been a tad mellower about the whole thing, I'm sure she wouldn't have...but freaking out just sealed his fate. Poor Donovan.

Antagonistic pairings are fun, though XD

I bet they probably have one...we just don't see it...kind of like how Steele was in the original was like non-Plumber, but still Plumber-esque covert ops alien control in civilian areas. Look! He totally didn't toss mutant Kevin in the Null Void!


handsthatsmile May 1 2009, 07:23:28 UTC
Tsk tsk, he really shouldn't have led Angela on about how open minded he is.

They totally are! Except you shouldn't encourage Jerome >_> I have a hard enough time keeping husband #3 at bay XDDDD

Well in fairness, Steele was human XD He could have easily rationalized the whole thing to be a secret government branch's genetic experiment that had gotten loose or something? XD But AF!canon is so confusing as it says the Plumbers operation on Earth was shut down, which wouldn't make sense if there were still aliens living amongst us according to the show. Bleh, continuity, my dear AF!writers, GET YOU SOME PLZ?


adarkfallenstar May 1 2009, 12:32:30 UTC
*Sigh* It is his own fault really.
Ha. Angela fight.

Steele is so due to show up in Shards over on DA XD. I took that to mean all "official" Plumber business was shut down. AF!Plumbers reminded me of real police moreso than the awesomeness of the original series ones.


handsthatsmile May 1 2009, 14:24:17 UTC
In my head canon, if it has anything to do with aliens? It's Plumber business. Unless it's just a simple social/martial dispute like filing for a divorce and stuff. But if it can lead to investigation that jeopardizes the secrecy of alien existence? It ought to be Plumber business.

But then again, it's Ben 10. It's a cartoon for kids and therefore that thing called reality does not apply XP


adarkfallenstar May 2 2009, 04:17:18 UTC
That's how I see it as well. Yeah, that can be a good and bad thing...usually good X3.


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