new calendar, new events!

Mar 31, 2010 23:00

Hey everyone! So it's almost a new month, and that means there's a new calendar with all new events! One of which is starting tomorrow (or an hour, your pick bro). That's right, it's...

April Fool's!

It's topsy-turvy day, where everything's backwards! If you want to heal your party, you have to attack them. Wanna attack the monsters? Throw healing items at them! If you want to gain experience points, you'll have to get killed by the monsters and attacking them will actually reduce your experience by one point with every hit. :( Be careful!

  • Die to get experience points
  • Lose 1 experience point with every attack on a monster
  • Heal party members by attacking them
  • Healing items kill monsters AND YOUR TEAMMATES!
  • Area-warping will take you to the opposite time of day and weather/element condition
  • Attempting to buy things at the shops will result in everyone looking at you strangely. You're the seller-- get behind that counter!
  • Likewise, selling items will actually result in buying them.
  • Classes are randomly flip-flopped. Shadow Warlock? Welcome to Blade Brandier. Flick Reaper? Enjoy being a Harvest Cleric. The choice is yours what your character will be, but you'll have to trade weapons with someone that was that class!

Comment to this post to work out OOC weapon trades so you can work on them ICly for the event, if you want to flip your character class!

event information, !mod post

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