Hey guys! Jamie here, with the usual activity check under the cut. But first a super-quick heads-up that it's time to ask that one question plaguing all RPers-- HOW'S MY DRIVING!? It'll be our first HMD in Holy Relic, and anon will be enabled, but play nice! Giving you anonymity is not a golden ticket to being a douchebag, and don't forget your head mod is also the head honcho of
roleplaysecrets. I CAN AND WILL TREAT YOU LIKE ANY OTHER ANON THAT'S CROSSED THE LINE and puff up and go all mama bird on you for treating your fellow players-- and further that, fellow human beings-- like crap. For every sentence written there's ten different ways to phrase it, and only two of them are nasty. That's only a 1 in 5 chance of hurting someone's feelings, so do be polite and helpful guys! No one listens to an asshole; look what comes out of those. :(
HMD will cover three topics, being our first of its kind since we opened; and I'll be posting it up here shortly after this post. A quick rundown!
- GAME HMD, which is for critiquing the game and letting us know what you like and don't like, what'd you'd like to see, etc.
- MOD HMD, which is where you point out anything that bothers you with our conduct, where you think we're slacking, etc.
- PLAYER/CHARACTER HMD, which is like any other HMD! Post and ask for constructive criticism, give concrit to others, and so on
And onward! Here's the steps for A/C!
STEP ONE. Comment here to keep your character!
STEP TWO. Check the
log comm and
network tags or look at the
events calendar/summarized event list below to refresh yourself on where your character was!
STEP THREE. With the information of where you participated from step two, go to the
level-tracking post and reply to get your levels! Voila! PLEASE REMEMBER TO REPLY AS A NEW COMMENT! Not to a previous response, otherwise things get messy. Thanks!
✖ MARCH 7th~9th: Search for the King
It's Mardi Gras in The World and someone's woken up with a crown on their head they can't remove! If your character is wearing the crown at midnight, they'll get a wish granted by the GMs. Only another Player can remove the crown, and it'll jump right to their head!
✖ MARCH 15th~19th: (QUEST) Top o' the Mornin' to The World
Leprechauns are chasing and kicking every character after they wake up to a mysterious flash mail from the GMs, giving them a gold coin. These leprechauns are out for revenge after getting kicked around last year!
✖ MARCH 29th: Two Times Tuesday!
Ayup as per usual.
A/C lasts for a week, although hiatuses will be noted as exempt. Any repeating patterns will get stared at harshly and we'll have a good talking-to with you, so please don't do that okay guys. :( We still expect a basic activity level from you, though! At least a post or two a month or event participation if you want to level up your characters.
Below is a list of everyone in the game, and you'll be struck out as you comment. Anyone left after a week is getting a strike. AGAIN, TWO STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT! This game is too small and slow for us to wait three months to boot inactive people, so please try to stay active, guys!
all_the_codes -
alwaysdelivers -
amauroskia -
beepbeepnya -
coilturn -
col_decker -
dimension_door -
dioskouros -
doesnthavescars -
ectoghost ✗
enduringwinter -
finalisolation -
foriamgod ✗
freakinfroghat -
givenforareason ✗✗
halfbakedcherry -
highwind_knight -
illuminatism -
ironlass -
ismellarare -
just1c3_1sbl1nd ✗
longskirt -
lookslikemomo ✗
not_puppet ✗✗
pugilistemperor ✗✗
ratatosk_knight -
senbazurus -
sirenspear -
smilesforfree -
steel_massifail ✗
swordfought ✗
swordrain -
tattoofists ✗
thirdeyedropped -
time_strider ✗✗
toreadoormat -
trap_factory -
trap_phantasm -
tribal_gk -
ventus_aerius -
weredointhisman -
xbutterflyguns -
yerawizarderri -
givenforareasonnot_puppetpugilistemperortime_strider These four have been removed due to inactivity and not replying to the last two activity checks. Sorry guys! :(