event signup!

Feb 13, 2011 22:00

This post brought to you by your lovely mod Kuu! But she's sick and frail and you should all send her well-wishes as I post this and keep track of everything. Perhaps smother her in digital soup and blankets and we'll do a rain dance to summon good health for her.

ANYWAY If you went to take a look at our event calendar for the month, you'll notice that there's an event happening for the next three days for Valentine's! In order to make it happen, though, we need you guys to sign up for the event so we aren't pairing up people that won't be around. The GMs are immature teenagers after all. :)


Leave a comment below with the characters' journals if you want in. Also let us know if you're cool with any same-sex pairings, because we're kinda uneven in terms of characters... Anyone who doesn't reply will be exempt from the event (and can marvel at the shenanigans). The premise is just a sex change, so you'll be waking up to the joys of the infamous purple cupcake. The only way to get things back to normal is by giving your assigned partner some chocolate and having them eat it... assuming you can find the other person in the first place.

Hints and the Chocolate Key Item will be given to the characters via flash mail from your resident GMs so your characters aren't left in total darkness. The pairs will be randomized, with flash mail sent out tomorrow morning to begin the hunt. The effect only lasts for the duration of the event. (you'll change back to normal once it's over but THAT CHOCOLATE IN YOUR INVENTORY WILL GO BAD! :c ) This is basically going to be a destiny-driven game of reverse Guess Who, so it should be fairly easy!

... Yea, I can totally tl;dr as much as Jamie pshaw.

russian love roulette

ventus_aerius | Y enduringwinter | Y dimension_door | Y

powerthatisme | Y alwaysdelivers | Y longskirt | Y

displacedkiss | Y thirdeyedropped | Y illuminatism | Y

firstcatalyst | Y doesnthavescars | Y finalisolation | Y

toreadoormat | Y displacedprince | Y yerawizarderri | Y

all_the_codes | Y ismellarare | Y calere | Y

swordrain | Y ironlass | Y

event information, !mod post

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