Nov 05, 2010 05:00

Hey guys! Jamie here, with the usual new calendar events, activity check under the cut, and a quick BUT IMPORTANT announcement about our sub-quests and what they mean for you!

But first, a quick list of some changes we've made the last few days!

  • We're installing application cycles! Apps are the first week of every month now instead of being open 24/7. This is easier on us and hopefully on the characters, too!
  • The FAQ is being updated here soon, to make it a little easier to understand and to add some good questions we've received!
  • A navigation post has been added, with a link at the bottom of all our info posts/applications/etc! It's the same links from the comm profiles, just a bit handier.
  • Achievements have been removed, to streamline the process for holyrelic a tad more! Everyone earns enough levels with events alone, so it was an unnecessary extra step. On that note...
  • The stats post has been updated to reflect the removal of achievements (no more tables to manage!) as well as a field to list if your character is in a guild or not!
  • It only took me two months to realize I never added Lumina Cloth to the locations, so locations are updated!

Now, onto ACTIVITY CHECK! We tweaked the process a bit to make it easier starting last month, so there's the steps!

STEP ONE. Comment here to keep your character!
STEP TWO. Check the log comm and network tags or look at the list of events below to refresh yourself on where your character was!
STEP THREE. With the information of where you participated from step two, go to the level-tracking post and reply to get your levels! Voila!

✖ OCTOBER 5th~7th: Welcome to the Midnight Society Scary story contest behind the @Home building
✖ OCTOBER 10th~16th: You're in for a Scare Garbled flash mail leads to a glitchy, half-completed area
✖ OCTOBER 24th~31st: Tricksy Treatses? Trick or Treat checklist to gather candies from monsters

A/C lasts for a week, although hiatuses will be noted as exempt. Any repeating patterns will get stared at harshly and we'll have a good talking-to with you, so please don't do that okay guys. :( We still expect a basic activity level from you, though! At least a post or two a month, and obv. event participation if you want to level up your characters.

Below is a list of everyone in the game, and you'll be struck out as you comment. Anyone left after a week is getting a strike. AGAIN, TWO STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT! This game is too small and slow for us to wait three months to boot inactive people, so please try to stay active, guys!



alwaysdelivers -
coilturn -
crasherpacifist -
cutsthrough ✗
devilrush ✗
echoballin -
fangirls -
finalisolation -
formywhale -
ghostrokku -
highwind_knight -
illuminatism -
longskirt -
lookslikemomo -
onlymalebride -
powerlessfinale -
powerthatisme -
proclaimedrival -
shotgunfangirl ✗✗
sirenspear -
smilesforfree -
trap_factory -
trap_phantasm -
tribal_gk -
ventus_aerius -

AND FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYY come 5AM--! We've had a number of corrupted/glitchy events marked as sub-quests, and I'm sure you're all curious what's been going on! Or at least thinking the GMs are pretty careless to not notice all these things, but they're only two people. If no one tells them about anything, it's a bit hard to catch! However, these are very important events leading up to PART ONE of a serious story arc!

We're explaining a bit in hopes of preparing you all ahead of time and making sure things are clear-- but if you participate in these sub-quests and your characters are attacked, they're infected with the AIDA virus. It won't go to work right away, but will instead build up until our grand December event. It's hush-hush, naturally, since we don't want to spoil it! But if you choose to participate in this, your character will have minimal interaction with the other Players for about two weeks and can only interact with those also affected, since they'll be in the same places. Choose wisely, and make sure you take part in the sub-quests if you want to be in the more serious event! It won't coincide with Christmas events though, don't worry. ♥ WE ONLY ASK THAT YOU BE SURE TO STAY ACTIVE DURING IT!

Holy Relic is still a pretty small playerbase, and estimating even half of the characters taking part is a low number-- inactivity from one or two people can kill the whole plot if there aren't enough people to keep it going! :(

Lawdy lawdy, I do believe I've TL;DR'd my little heart out for the month. So comment for A/C, update your levels, and be sure to check out the changes and update your stats posts! We don't change these often, honest. :(

event information, plotting, !mod post, !activity check

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