May 24, 2010 20:00

Hey everyone! ...So, HR's been pretty dead, and a lot of you not on hiatus haven't made activity for the month or been replying around to other people's posts! There's only a week left, my lovelies! Tsk tsk, I don't know what to do with you children. But that's half the reason for today's modpost!

Is there something about the RP that's turning you off/feels stagnant/you'd like to see?

The floor's open for discussion and I'd love to work with you guys and sort things out! We also have a new mod, so welcome your game's mascot, darkfox200! She'll be introducing her mod OC ONE DAY but she's here to help keep the welcome wagon running and to help me think of better events, and you can reach her on AIM at darkfox200 as well as Caleb and I.

AND NOW FOR SOME MOTIVATION!! So you guys probably think, yeah this game's kind of boring now. Got the initial stuff done, busy with finals, yadda yadda. But what if I told you that the level 20 goal wasn't just to get your character's personals back? What ifffff I told you that once about half the game clears level 20, a new server is gonna open up for business...? :3c As to which it is and what new features there'll be, you'll just have to wait and find out! But it's something to look forward to with sparkling, child-like eyes awaiting the wonderment and things like that.

AND LASTLYYYYYYYYY there's a Two-Times Tuesday event tomorrow where your characters earn double experience in monster battles, but no one's really been participating-- so here's a planning post so you guys can organize and maybe shove some logs in! I'll start things off as usual. o/

event information, plotting, !discussion, !mod post

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