event the first!

Mar 17, 2010 00:00

you'll never get me lucky charms!

When you awake in Mac Anu, you'll find it and its residents decked in hues of green and gold, banners strung about from every building. Shamrocks are growing between the brick pavers, and floating down the rivers surrounding the town. All of the other "players" are talking about it. The NPCs ask if you're taking part in the quest. That's right, it's holyrelic's first event!

Visit the Quest kiosk to the upper left of Mac Anu's square to participate in this event any time between the 17th and the 19th. You'll be given the area words Δ Dancing Gambler's Old World, which is a wind/earth-element field, level 2. There are a few monsters on the sunny field, just enough to obstruct your hunt for the small leprechaun you have to catch. He's about knee-height and incredibly fast, so you have to get a party of three together to accept this quest and corner him!

When you catch him, kick him! He'll drop a variety of items, one at a time, and run away again. It'll usually take between five and six times to catch him and punt him until he drops the gold coin needed to complete the quest. Items dropped will be any of the following three wind-resistent accessories-- mini leprechaun hat, bouncy shamrock headband, and a green beer hat, then less often, a leprechaun vest/shirt combo armor for all classes, earth-resistent. The vests are a pale gold, the shirt is white and long-sleeved, and there's an emerald green silk cravat.

Once you've retrieved the gold coin, it's good for all party members. Take it back to the Quest Kiosk in Mac Anu for your prize! And comment to this post with a link to the comment where the coin is obtained and who is in your party, and your characters will be given the event item. Then you can start off those tables in your stats posts with your first star and completed event!

A log post for the event will go up in the logs community algagrass shortly, so keep an eye out for it and get ready to mingle! The main community is also open for action/journal posts. Welcome to holyrelic, everyone!

Also, we reconsidered canon powers in the game and have changed the mechanics of the game-- sorry about any confusion! Canon powers now stay with your character alongside picking a class, but you can't use both at once! You can only use the canon power or the powers provided by The World at a time. All canon powers follow the basic attack point system and are weak starting out, but will get stronger as your character levels up.

And don't forget everyone; we have an OOC chat room on AIM at holyrelic, so stop on by and meet the other players! If you have any questions about the event, feel free to ask.

event information, !mod post

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