A webcam is switched on by inattentive fingers, which were just reaching for the audio function.
Jack is stretched out on his back, stripped down to his white t-shirt and slacks as he wrestles with a large bundle of wires.I'm doing work on the house security systems folks. If you could give me warning before you open any of the doors, I'd rather
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More importantly, how are you doing, Anthony?
[ooc: Leading question is leading. ;)]
[ooc: yes, because he will tell you he thinks your boyfriend is sleeping with someone else. ffffff XD]
[ooc: Poor Anthony!]
[ooc: avoiding the subject and trying to change it? Possibly XD]
Still, if you get to a point where you need an ear, don't hesitate, all right?
[ooc: Clueless Jack relents. ;)]
I... I'm not sure I I will.
[ooc: isn't he adorable? I haven't played an adorable character in ages! I pity him once he manages to say what's bothering him. people will laugh!]
Okay, good!
[ooc: He is completely adorable and now hopelessly adopted! ;) No they won't!! Not Ianto, Kyle or Jack anyway. They might make Anthony blush as they explain things though. ;D
As soon as I figure out how to put it in words.
[ooc: awww. Yay for adoption! I support adoption rights for threesomes! XD]
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