Well, it would seem that regardless of how rocky the past is between my partner and I -hey what's a little torture between friends right?- I can still cut a rug with the best of them.
Well, perfection and all that. His tongue could not be further in his cheek here.
By the way, to all concerned please be aware that these
two young
men have an incredible evil streak coupled with clever ingenuity and you should be on your toes if they ever chose to turn it against you. It brings the term 'head games' to a whole new and yet not the fun sort of meaning.
I will have revenge fellows, just you wait!
Lately I've noticed everybody getting ready for the holiday of All Hallow's Eve. Ianto, Gwen, Abby if you wish to decorate and celebrate by all means, enjoy and if you'd like me to judge costume contests, not a problem. Just as two of you know, don't ask me to participate. Nothing personal, I just don't do holidays.
[ooc: Jack danced with Lucy Saxon against vs multiple others (wow they were busy!) and despite what I'm sure was an urge to kill each other they pulled off the win, woo hoo!]