Owen's pissed.
Don't blame him, if I were him ...
Did I just type that? Yes, yes I did. Okay scratch that.
Owen's pissed and he has every right to be. I fucked up, panicked when he died and even though the child told me I was foolish, I barreled ahead anyway.
Typical me, never listening to common sense when it comes to those I care about. I let John go, hell I sat in that car with him so he wouldn't be alone but Owen ... no, I had to get it in my head that I was right and the laws of life and death were wrong and now look at things.
Owen's paying the price and there's even less I can do to help him than when he was dead.
I wish he would let me help, though. I was hoping, maybe he'd talk a little but, typical Owen ... shut down and pushing people away. I know why he does it, at least I think I do and now I've gone and probably made it worse.
All this time and I can still get it so spectacularly wrong. That scares the shit out of me.