After the Events Here *Jack had managed to get the Doctor back to the TARDIS, such as she was, poor cannibalized old girl. Now, he was out looking for the necessary parts to fix her. This just didn't seem like the Valient and he kept having to stop for the pain in his body but Jack wasn't prepared to give up. He was dying, slowly and painfully but he had a chance to send the Doctor back into the Vortex with the TARDIS. With both Martha and the Doctor free of the Master's control, then somehow it would all be all right.
He just had to hold on and make it work.*
Accidental Voice Post
Doctor? *There comes the sound of labored, obviously distressed breathing.*
I'... I'm ha-ha-having some trouble, getting those parts. I'm working on it. Be ... I'll be back shortly.
*A thud, a moan and then the scuffle of boots on gravel*
Keep the door closed, whatever you do. Don't let them in.
[ooc: Jack has left the Doctor in the TARDIS and is now scouring the Underground for the parts he 'thinks' he needs to repair the TARDIS. Open to action or voice. Just be warned, he's very determined and not 100% lucid. If he didn't know you before coming to Poly, chances are he won't know you now and he'll be very dangerous.]