Icon Tutorial; For Dark Pink Images

Jun 09, 2008 05:24

this to this

Made In: Photoshop CS3
Steps: 7
Difficulty: easy
Translatable: mostly*

*It contains Selective Coloring, but the outcome will only be slightly more pink without it.

Step 1

Crop your base. Blur/Sharpen if it needs it. I blurred my base slightly (with the Blur Tool and a soft round brush), because I was going for a blended/subdued look.

Step 2

The image is way darker than I wanted it to be, so I duplicated my base and set the duplicate to screen and set the opacity to 75%. Screen is very good for brightening, but it can make the image too bright/dilute the shadows too much, so you'll have to play around with the opacity of the layer depending on your image.

Step 3

Create a new layer and fill it with a bright yellow (I used #f3ed63). Set the layer to soft light and set the opacity to 20%. The yellow is used to tone down the pink in the image. Try using different shades of yellow and setting the layer to different opacities depending on how much pink is in your image.

Step 4

Create a new adjustment layer: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Channel Mixer. These are the numbers I used; if the colors in your image are a lot like mine you'll probably use numbers that are very close. You'll have to experiment, though. Constant stays at 0 for all, and monochrome should be unchecked.

Red: +86, Green: +10, Blue: -43
Red: +2, Green: +93, Blue: +7
Red: -1, Green: -2, Blue: +94

Step 5

Create a new adjustment layer: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Here are the numers I used. Once again, alike colors = close numbers.

Hue: 0, Saturation: -10, Lightness: 0.

The reason I lowered the saturation is because, like I said above, I wanted the colors to feel blended and subdued. I felt it was slightly too bright/pink, but YMMV.

Step 6

Create a new adjustment layer: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Coloring. This layer isn't completely necessary; as you can see from how the icon looks in the previous step compared to this one, the SC is used mostly to make the image more yellow/less pink. As always, close colors = close numbers. Experiment!

-30, -18, +4, 0
-45, 0, +5, 0
+23, -8, +1, 0

Step 7

Create a new adjustment layer: Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves. The settings you use depend entirely on how light/dark your image is. Top right is lightness adjustment (left=more, down=less), bottom left is shadows (up=less, right=more). Your line should have a drawn out 's' (meaning slight and gradual).

i'm being productive, icons: tutorials, icons

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