025: Ed, guess who your mechanic is

Mar 10, 2009 22:37

[filtered to Ed]
I remembered something~.
So come over to visit, okay?
We can talk about it... And the boat business too. But mainly this important thing~~.

When you open the door keep your automail arm away from your head, okay? It's really important.

I can't believe spring is here! I still don't remember any specific springs so I'm definitely looking forward to this. Oh, and speaking of memories~!! I just remembered something great~.

( 1% of her memory spent on the fact Automail exists in her world... The other 1% spent on remembering she's Ed's mechanic.  All 10% now spent.
Wrenches will fly at blonds that keep secrets, whether they did so intentionally or not. )

ed abuse, automail, memory, filtered!ed, ed

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