Oct 29, 2008 18:20
I lived in a little town called Resembool.
In the country... I lived there with my mother and father... and my childhood friends and their mother...
There was a war... And my parents, who were doctors... they had to go to the war to help... I hope they got back..I'm so worried...
And... I remembered that my childhood friends left too. They... they left... I don't know why... They've been gone...I'm waiting for them...
I hope they're okay...
I don't know why but... I'm scared for them... I don't remember what they're doing but... I think it's dangerous... And I don't know much about them but I know they're important to me...
... And waiting is scary...
I don't like waiting...
[ 3% spent on remembering the war on Ishbal, and remembering that she's waiting for someone/Ed and Al. She doesn't remember who they are yet, though. She does, however, remember that whatever they're doing is dangerous and that she cares a lot about them. She remembers "waiting is scary".
Even though Winry is worried and scared for her friends she's not going to say anything about it since she doesn't want to make more people worry about her.]