start of olympics today. eh but whatever cos THANKSGIVING WAS AWESOME.
thanksgiving concert by the teachers was AWESOME. nothing short of awesome, really. perfect was nothing short of perfect, concert was so high and hyper to the max. no jeering, just cheers and cheers and loads of clapping (((: and great funny performances by the teachers. everybody was sooo high, i actually took a step back and reveled in the atmosphere. i wish i had pictures w me now, but they're all w magenta and christine ((: shall get the proper pictures from magenta's blog when she posts them up (: now just deal w the low quality ones from my phone cos that's just how awesome i thought thanksgiving concert was.
i dont think many other school teachers would wanna don funny looking wigs and sing and dance and do skits and make a hall of a thousand screaming teenagers laugh and laugh. even our lit teachers who are at london now made a fabulous music video; im just terribly amazed by the love i felt in those two hours.
waaaaa i cant wait for magenta's professional close up shots.
hard rock w the funny ones & ms ong after, mr fong didnt come in the end; pretty fun but i went off much earlier. i come home on time now ((: and lil sis's back home (: she said msia was boring. haha, being home was peaceful but boring without her around. HEY SIS! (: