10 handprints

Mar 24, 2008 00:07

All of those people...I shouldn't have. I didn't realize I was hurting them. Or I did, but I didn't care, I didn't realize what it meant! I...I killed them. So many. I don't even know how many, most of the time I never even saw their faces, it was never anything but another mission to complete, another target, but now I can't stop thinking about it, and I feel, I feel sad and it hurts.

And now I can't go back home if Amber ever does, and I wasn't there for her when she needed me. It's all your fault, you didn't have to kill me, I only went after you because you got in my way!

Make it stop, what's happening to me? I don't want to feel anymore! I can't!

((ooc: Average joe curse. No Contractor powers means he has emotions...and oh boy does he have a whole lot of guilt over murdering a lot of people and sadness over being dead to catch up with. Besides the fact that he's only a kid D:))

curse, emotions get, grab bag, affected, average joe

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