Jul 23, 2004 18:29
i don't remember the last time i updated, so here goes.
-no word on the stupid car situation yet. bitches hitting my car are lame.
-work work work.
-vacation in arkansas for a few days, then home. yay!
-hanging out at okc rocks, and actually liking it.
-someone not sleeping on the couch anymore.
-flipping through lj's and realizing that a lot of people that i was friends with in hs still hang out with each other, and thinking it's a little weird. how different our lives became, but how similar we used to be. not that i'm sad, it's just interesting to see which ways people go.
-coming home to one of the dogs having crayons for lunch. those are my entertainment when i feel like shit! c'mon, dude - don't eat my crayons. i was mad, and the doggies are sad that i'm mad at them. punk ass dogs.
-reading lots of christopher moore books because he is probably one of the most hilarious authors nowadays.
that's all.
i'm really effing tired, and don't want to type anymore.