Peach Flavored Southern Burning Bush

Dec 15, 2004 14:53

I am officially the worst worker in the world but I am so glad because I work for the best people ever. I stayed up until 4. The feminist gathering last night was a blast and me, Aaron, Renee and Erika ended up having a really good conversation afterward. Renee and I went to Top Foods and got vegan ice cream and Soy nog and watched King of the Hill and played Text Twist to the best of our ability. I saw her film, Escape from the Planet of the Apes! and saw Jed and David in C. We went over to P-Dave's and ate grits and smoked peach flavored tabacco from the huka (I believe that's how you spell it anyway). I saw this dude who owned that awful coffee shop I worked at in a copy of High was really weird. I was like "oh man, that ass is in high times!" and I know taxes are a pain and no one wants to pay them but really a small tax on your latte for education doesn't seem so bad to me. Hardly something to do a Boston Tea Party reenactment and dress up like an idiot for. Screw the children, I want to get ALL the money from exploiting coffee workers in Guatemala and Nicaragua! (sigh)

I wanted to wake up early to say goodbye to Aaron and I just hit my alarm and fifteen minutes became an hour and a half and of course I was late to work..(sigh). I'm excited because I'm going to Tenzin's party (yes!) on Thursday and I gave my teacher a high 5 earlier. I must have looked really cracked out with my coffee spilling on my hand every five seconds and my eyes being all glazed over but I'm actually really excited about my eval. I'm going to a potluck now with my lovely co-workers!
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