The body says no, no no no...

Dec 16, 2003 22:20

So, flashback to last night, post library-a-thon: (que flashback music)

"Now my paper *still* isn't finished, I have a soul-crushing headache, I'm so exhausted I feel physically ill, my zombie impersonation in Dascomb probably scared away any potential suitors, and even if it didn't, the fact that I haven't showered or shaved since Saturday morning probably did. And I have final exam tomorrow evening which I have not started studying for, nor have I paid attention in class since fall break or taken anything resembling good notes."

Now back to the present:

--I managed to finish the Paper Of Death during an episode of logic-defying insomnia at around 4 AM
--The soul-crushing heading has dug its claws into my brain and won't budge
--Due to my not sleeping so much last night, I'm still beyond exhausted
--Fear not, I have showered since last night (twice!)
Studying for my Chinese Thought and Religion final was an exercise in futility; due to the previously mentioned lack of paying attention or note taking, the sad attempt I made to learn half a semester's worth of material in between naps this afternoon made absolutely no difference. Although I have a pretty strong feeling I failed the final, I hold some hope for having passed the class. Although at this point, I'm so tired and apathetic that even the specter of academic probation doesn't phase me. I just want to be at home/San Juan/Berlin/not at college during finals week. At least I have my two saving graces: my friends and The Simple Life.

In other news, after this post I'm actually going to follow through on my old promise to make this LJ friends-only. I know for a fact that there are people reading it now who I really don't like. Sorry, it just has to be this way.
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