(no subject)

Nov 05, 2005 05:11

Another Halloween is over and yet the eeriness remains as I sit out on my porch....white smoke rings form like ghosts and the wet leaves falling on pavement and grass in this crisp cold silence sound like the soft shuffle of souls walking with a mission.......across the street Jack O Lanterns turn from absent teethed smiles into drooped down piles of rot........and always am I contemplating my own existence...forever reflecting and trying to figure His path for me.....have I done something wrong? Were my prayers unanswered because they were done in fetal position, curled under plaid flannel duvet covers and not by my bedside, hands clasped with pajama covered knees rubbing up against rough burbur carpeting.......He has given me a nod here and there to his existense and they lie in the form of folded up and often stale fortune cookies from Chinese food vendors on unexplored streets.......but when the cookie is consumed and the fortune lost or its ink faded, there are no roadsigns anymore to look upon......did my plight come when I traded tradition of Church for the glow of a television playing Sunday morning Popeye cartoons (I'll gladly pay you my soul Tuesday for a hint at your plan today)............
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