Sep 20, 2006 23:10
two-a-days is supposed to be one of those mtv shows about the typical high school football scene with the star quarterback and all of the cheerleaders where everyone gets excited for homecoming and everybody likes to hug and dance around with glittery pom poms and everything's warm and fuzzy (and yeah, some idiotic asshole did name his kid "repete smith." because someone apparently forgot to send over the fucking memo telling him that those "pete and repeat were on a boat and pete fell off" jokes were NOT suggestions of things to name your baby. but i'm gonna go ahead and do what jesus would have done (stab a bitch?) and let it slide. because hey, it's the south. and when you're having babies with your cousins, it's almost expected that you lose a few brain cells or motor skills in the process). for the most part they're all cute families that go to church and introduce their boyfriends to their parents and all of the kids are pretty respectful and polite..
so... should i not be alarmed that they're waving around confederate flags at all of their football games?