(no subject)

Aug 09, 2006 21:06

There is a reason that they say to be wary of the streets at night.

The thing is that nobody, no matter how many zombies they've killed, really knows a damn thing about them. Oh, there are the basics: They like noise, they like lights, they can turn you with one bite-- but nobody's gotten close enough to them to study them. (Most memorably, there was one ill-fated attempt by UChicago film students to make a documentary on the subject, but that didn't end at all well.)

Sometimes they hunt in packs.

The streets are very empty tonight, and very quiet. Even the usual night suspects-- cooing pigeons, chattering mice, the occasional mangy cat-- are suspiciously absent.

If you've got a good nose, the odor of rotting flesh will hit you from a block away. There are more of them than usual-- twenty at least-- and all seem drawn inexorably towards the music and comparatively good lighting of The Wasteland.

[OOC: Yay zombie attack! As of right now, not toooo many people are on, but feel free to start noticing zombies' approach! Any questions may be pinged to Merky Dee or emailed to me.]

amy russo, solomon, les, karla gabriel, russ harris, gwen russell, vanessa reid, claire pullman, michael, preston vasquez

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