"I think it's more like tonsorial stereotyping, actually," Gwen says. "But fair enough."
She laughs.
"Uh. I think you're manly enough for the both of us right now. Get over here." She snags him for a sidehug, noting with curiosity the unusual new smells at close proximity.
"I'm not exactly the resident beard expert," Gwen admits. "That's probably Docious-- have you seen his lately? I think there's an actual bird's nest in it."
Preston shrugs, rather awkwardly. "I just want to know if - you know it doesn't matter to me if Russ has been hanging around there a lot, but it's gonna matter to the wolf hormones and shit, you know?"
Whether Gwen's reacting to his presence or his facial hair, her eyebrows really couldn't climb any higher.
Preston's grin is genuine. And he does not raise a hand to tug at the facial hair, which would seem to indicate a lack of self-consciousness about it!
"Keep my bass all right?"
This is difficult when the beat in question is several weeks long.
"You're looking very ... terrorist."
"Do we hug, or stick to the manly shoulderpunch thing?"
She laughs.
"Uh. I think you're manly enough for the both of us right now. Get over here." She snags him for a sidehug, noting with curiosity the unusual new smells at close proximity.
The most prominent scents are fire and grass and canned sardines. Those things last a crazy long time.
"So your vote is anti-beard? Unless terrorist chic is the new look you're going for here."
"Anyone else got shocking new hairstyles? Russ taking advantage of those lycanthrope genes at all?"
"He looks like a freaking Yeti by now. He's scaring the zombies."
"Has he, uh. I mean. Gwen - anything I should know before sticking my nose in our place?"
There's a reason he stopped by the Wasteland first.
"Like ...?"
"Don't worry about it. I have no fucking clue where Russ was, but it's definitely not around our apartment."
"Sorry," says Preston, wincing. "Awkward topic?"
"Do you want a drink or something? Maybe a razor?"
Besides, the beard is a good icebreaker?
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