Let's Try This Again

Apr 24, 2018 15:51

Yeah, so apparently, there are a whole lot of people here who post almost every day! How bizarre, as the old song goes.

I'm still very tired, to the point where this is the second day in a row that I've crapped out halfway through the day and been forced to lie down because I literally felt as though I might lose consciousness. Not sure what that's about, but it doesn't seem good. I'm hoping it's just PMS, or something similarly easy to understand. Then again, I do have to go to the doctor soon to get my prescription renewed, so perhaps I should talk to her about it.

My work at the moment involves popping back and forth between "The Corpse-Door," which is set in Viking times and hopefully reads somewhat like the sagas I read before starting it, and what I was referring to as the "puke-a-fairy story," which will be known from now on as "Swallowed." The deadlines involved are both soonish, though as ever, I think I can push them at least a little bit. I also have three edited files to check and return to source, plus some ongoing correspondence about a few different matters. This was thrown off by the fact that my Gmail account suddenly stopped displaying correctly unless I accessed it via Firefox, which meant I had to devote some time to solving that particular problem--though I did manage to get it solved, even without talking to Steve about it. Go me.

In true tales of RL horror, meanwhile, a guy drove a van headlong through a bunch of pedestrians up at Yonge and Finch yesterday. Ten dead, fifteen wounded; there's been a lot of international attention, I guess to some degree because of the prospect of terrorism having "finally" entered/impacted upon Canada (we usually practice that sort of shit institutionally, on our POC and indigenous citizenry), which is why I got a frantic email from Dad yesterday asking if I was all right. I was and am--Finch is very far north from me, so much so I don't think I've been up there for years. More blackly amusing is the way that Americans have been exclaiming over the fact that the cops who showed up managed to get the guy to stand down without shooting first and asking questions later. I'll point out that he was white, though sadly he may also have been neuroatypical. There's also been a fair deal of: "Whaaaat, your constitution enshrines the rights of Peace, Order and Good Government rather than Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?!" Darren Aronofsky would approve, but everybody else seems to find it sort of baffling.

At the moment, my Netflix of choice is Tabula Rasa, a Dutch co-pro telling a mystery in which our protagonist is a woman whose short-term memory flushes itself completely under stress, rebooting her to just before the car accident that damaged her brain. It's creepy and emotionally engaging, especially because we're always second-guessing ourselves, much like poor Annemie D'Haeze, who's always on the lookout for the metaphorical red sand hallucination that indicates she's about to lose everything yet again. And she may also be being lied to and gaslit, on top of all that. It's a fine distraction, and entirely defensible, as opposed to Netflix's equally addictive Dynasty update, which is just tasty, tasty trash.

All right, Cal is home and friends are on their way. Later.

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