A Short Update

Oct 19, 2017 17:49

Monday is now Cal's surgery date. We got to the hospital, he puked, people saw him, so eventually the doctor decided it wasn't worth the risk. I obviously couldn't refute it. So we got back home and I went to sleep, woke to find hm suspiciously happy--stress, faking, a one-day virus? Impossible to tell. I have to phone by four tomorrow to get the new surgery time, but which point I'll be in Windsor, attending Bookfest Windsor. Hoop-la.

If anybody's interested, I managed to finish a Patreon post and it's up here (http://musicatmidnight-gfiles.blogspot.ca/2017/10/patreon-post-self-made-awful-objects.html). Love to get some commentary on it, here or there.

Oh yeah, and just to say, the kind folk at Litreactor agreed to move my Write What You Fear course up, which means that there are still spots and now much more time to sign up in. The link is here (https://litreactor.com/classes/write-what-you-fear).

Meanwhile, my body genuinely feels like it's falling apart. Last weekend was nothing but stress, and this weekend is going to be the exact same. I just have to suck it up.

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