Nov 03, 2004 14:35
Hmm i'm curious just wanted to know any international students, workers etc who work here in the "GOOD" ole USA, how many of you would have voted against the Shrub? I know I would and I found it at once interesting, gratifying and yet horrifying that some news program, possible channel 11 reported the following: Should people in the U.K and other citizens of the world have a chance to vote, Kerry would have won by a landslide. Sigh! What's next now? And how many people will seriously keep to their word and emigrate to Canada? I would love to hmm maybe i can strike a deal with a University there to complete my degree in a year. Yeah ever the dreamer me. However, today I am the mourner like so most people on my friends' list here in LJ and tons around the world. Also, dogma my love, i agree, why all this stuff and nonsense and why can't votes be based on one person, one vote. This electoral college system just doesn't seem fair and hey you want all people to vote, why not give people the day off so they have no excuse such as I did not have the time to vote to turn to. Ah life. Right now i feel like one character in disworld (terry Pratchett)
One Man, One Vote, the Patrician (ruler of discworld) is the man and gets the vote.
Peace All, man we'd need it.