final score : rickon 1, baths 0

Apr 13, 2009 20:01

It was only spring; by rights it should not have been so horribly hot and sticky out. Apart from the heat wave in December, Jon could not remember the weather having been so unbearable since it was still summer, and prayed fervently that this was not foreshadowing another week of interminable sweltering. By the time they'd finished lunch, Jon and Susan were both desperate to cool off, and could tell Rickon was feeling the same way. "We need a swim," Jon said decisively, pulling Susan's bathing suit out of a drawer and tossing it onto the bed. "The stream near the heart tree-- there are some shallows, we could just... sit in there with him," he suggested, laughing at how silly it sounded, but no less serious for it. "If I don't put at least half of me in water I'm in danger of passing out," he told her, grinning. "Let us make haste."


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