Dec 01, 2003 00:28
my stomach really hurts, i think i have cramps. i need medicine but i dont have any =( any kind of pill will do ;)theres so many assholes that attend cshs and i wish i could beat the shit out of most of them. i cant stand walking into this high school every morning and looking at all the different groups that hang out together.... and they dare not let anyone outside of their hair color or style of dress or music preference inside their elite group of shitty friends. oh no if they did that theyd be breaking a code or something. and i cant stand the people that want to be like them in every shape and form and try to be just like them by copying and going out and buying the latest "trendiest" materials. go out and buy youre fucking shit that will be worthless in a year or probably much less. i hope you choke on it. if i left for a year and came back dressed in a different way i bet you people that i hated for this would try and suck up to me and want to be my friend. (not trying to sound stuck up or anything im trying to be far from that shitty attitude) but i know from experience and i didnt even have to leave.( i ignored her stupid attempt at a friendship that would mean nothing and now she probably doesnt remember my name or wouldnt admit to it and shes off trying to befriend another person wanting to join the "elite" crowd that if they really knew this person wouldnt except their true special qualities because it really doesnt fit their standards) and i know others that have drastically went from one extreme to another and back again full circle. dickheads would call this being a poser or whatever which in my opinion 2 years ago was but now that im more mature in that area i know it isnt. times change along with people and the whole categorizing shit is stupid along with all the people that act like this. we are all the same and ive told the people that act like this and they dont have a comeback that really is worth uttering and wasting good air. id love to see people like ...... not even 10 years from now who are working at a fast food place or some other 8th grade education level job of some sort trying to make a living.. is it going to matter if you were the stereotypical loud spainard ( just making a point my little pamela im not talking about anyone when i say this) or the goth chick who sat alone in class or the nerdy guy who sat right up front?(same goes for you christine lol jk i love YoUU) fuck all of you that really thinks this matters and have fun 10 or 20 years from now when you probably are friends with the person you least expected back in "high school".