
Oct 20, 2010 05:30

Been on a break from WoW for about a month and this morning I decide to log on and see that the pre-expansion patch was released sometime in my absence, so now I have a 2hr download to wait through *sigh*
Been filling my time with Lord of the Rings Online in the past month, decided to give it a try when they released the free to play stuff, since pre-xpac blues was hitting me hard in WoW. Every 10 minutes I swear I have a major fangirl moment >.> Tolkien stuff is my childhood, The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy were my bedtime stories as a kid, and getting to interact with all these characters that I've been living with since I was six is just so amazing
And yes, I am playing a male elf :P A minstrel, which means I get to play fun instruments to heal people XD. He has the same name as my main from WoW (Halladir) but while he is wonderful, he does lack some of the fabulosity that WoW Hall possesses.
This new patch should get me back on the WoW train somewhat though, but I do have to admit, I'm not 100% on board with some of the healing changes and what not that they've put in, but I'm gonna stick with it unless they've managed to make Hall completely unplayable.
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