Oh, wow

Jul 15, 2010 01:31

K, so Sachi was just sitting in my lap, purring and kneading when all of sudden she leaps off frantically, leaving 2 lovely gouges in my leg >.> (can't figure out what spooked her either, I was sitting still, just scrolling through a webpage, no strange noises or nothing)

the pain is quite spectacular I must say, and those of you who know me know that I am quite knowledgeable in the area of pain.  And wow, this was like a 7. Time for nail trimmings

(On a slightly unrelated note, I luff this icon, the picture is, of course, of my 2 sweet little girls, taken way back in December of '06 when they were just about 4 months, and I totally know Turtle will be able to tell who's who :P)
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