Jun 02, 2010 23:52
Spent about 3 hours on the damn neck ruffle today >.< but at least it looks good XD
need to take pictures of the bodice progress, but have been waiting til it's more together
So when I got the fabric, I'd figured I'd need about 8 yards, but the Joann near me only had 6.5, they said they had 11 at the Des Moines store, but I so did not feel like driving all the way over there to get it (for those of you who know the Des Moines area, I live about a mile from Jordan Creek mall, the other Joann is on se 14th, near Southridge) So I cut carefully, and was good about my fabric layout, and all seemed well, then today I suddenly realized "Fuck, the bottom edge of the bodice is piped" and I do not have enough fabric to make 80" of bias, unless I want the overskirt to have some sort of wonky diagonal seam in it, which I most decidedly do NOT want >.<
So I get to haul my ass over to SE 14th tomorrow to get another yard of fabric >.< I'll atleast go in the morning when traffic isn't such an issue (not that traffic's every really an issue in Des Moines, but there are some times of day it can get annoying)