Dec 07, 2007 22:48
Please do me a favor and burn to the ground and fucking die. I hate you all. I really do. I fucking hate all of you.
My mom's a nurse, she's a good nurse. She's the type of person to try and smile and be happy. She's also honest and will say whatever's on her mind no matter what. She's got knee problems and she takes pain medicine for it. usually it's enough to help her get through the day. Today she got to the point where she couldn't even walk. She needed help going to the bathroom! (fucking doctors) anyway i got her medicine for her this morning and after i went to work it still didn't help her. She ended up going to the er were the doctor was rude to her. He didn't introduce himself to her he didn't even listen to her. She was to the point where she was crying and he'd do nothing for her.
That stupid asshole wouldn't admit her to the hospital to run test on her or even try to find out what was wrong with her. They talked to the patient representative and someone else and all they would do was say they were sorry, they didn't try to help her either. They just treated my mother like she was a druggie wanting more drugs.
what the hell kind of shit is that. Every day my mom deals with people like that who constantly want drugs. How the hell do they get attention when my mom who's really in pain and who needs help can't get any?
So dear doctors and all other morons...i really do hope you die. Personally i hope it hurts...a fucking lot.