Brave saint saturn

Oct 06, 2008 01:58


I know I've recently fixed up my dad's old bike. I view it more mine than his now.
But I did want my own bike so he couldn't criticize my using it.
I wanted to be able to take it where I pleased and use it as I saw fit.
It didn't mean that I would love my brown bike any less.
In fact maybe they could be friends.

I rescued it. I asked if $8 would be enough.

White isn't my color choice of preference
But someone didn't want it anymore.
It was covered in dirt
and all that it needed was a clean and maybe new tire tubes.
My heart went out to it instantly.
I had $8.

A bit of steel wool and I was golden.

3 Quarters and I filled the tires.

It's a night that finally feels like fall.

I love being on a bike. I am a force.

I am finally borrowing the full album 'Simple Machinery' by Bears from the station.

It feels like it was written just for me.

I have a quart of rice milk, hummus and pita bread, and a small flask of moonshine

...and I am going nowhere.

I haven't felt this happy in months.

All the other college kids are heading off to the bars on a Saturday night to start off their break

and I pass the night screaming through the frigid county air
childish adrenaline
come home
spend the remainder cuddling away the cold on my futon, watching Mythbusters
and thinking about how maybe
someone somewhere prefers these things too.


In the daytime,

I look like this.

I ride to the apothacary.
Some boys shout FAG out the window as they drive by.
I smile sweetly.
Ladies with large sunglasses and large styled hair to match stare at me with pursed lips when they see a boy in a vest on an antiquated bicycle, because boys in vests on antiquated bicycles are not allowed.

And old women smile and wave cheerily.

Holy eutrophication batman. I won't get started on the watershed.

After traveling around I inspected a shed. The owner had recently died.

Through glistening spiderwebs I saw this.

Yes, I almost shit myself.
I want it.

Since it's fall break and I had to leave school, I'm not in my living space, my job or anywhere else that has internet until I return.


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