Art post!

Jul 03, 2009 15:25

Look! This is where I work, kind of!

Sometimes I go back and look at the litho stone I broke last semester. Maybe I just like to make myself feel pain. BOOM KRAKOW stone #60 is dead.

When it happened I looked like this.

Anyway, I started making GIANT BANANA CONDOM PILLOWS.

They open the same way the other ones did

and it has the same pattern inside, etc etc.

I'm pretty sure people would want to ask me WHY AM I OBSESSED WITH CONDOMS?? Well, I dunno. I made a game of trying to collect every single kind I could from the Youth Project, and every time there was a new one I'd get all excited like I was collecting a more fucked up version of baseball cards. STRAWBERRY?? MINT?? BANANA??? YESSSS!!! Lol. I became really familiar with seeing the regular blue ones laying all over the place at the residence at which I was staying. Good memories.

So I put these up on etsy and I only have one left now. I was surprised and then kind of sad because I think these ones are my favorite. But that's stupid, because DUH I shouldn't be sad when I sell things because that's my intent.
I just didn't make many of these because the emulsion I used to make the screen was expired and it started breaking up pretty quickly. I was sad. But it's ok, whatever this material is is a pain in the ass to sew together.

Then I would do things like this to use up any tiny extra pieces of fabric I had. BABY CONDOMS hehehe

Then I would make these pouches too out of the endpiece leftover from the fabric, which people always seem to want. I didn't really expect that!

I made some little jewelry things out of random objects I found too. Really old pills from NY at my dad's house. Hemlock pine cones. I coated them with resin and etc.

I am really stoked about the pinecones, I kind of want to make some just so I can keep them myself.
I also really want to make cufflinks, but I don't know how.

Since these pictures were taken my face has broken out again. I just wouldn't be me without acne, apparently.

And uuuggghh, I know I still have to finish making stud earring for at least 3 people. Actually no I have to make 5. I am such a bad person. I always do sculpting work at night, but I keeping getting sad or falling asleep and I keep not finishing it! I'm upset with myself about that.

I've been drawing some weird pictures sometimes but since my scanner isn't here I haven't scanned them.

When I was in the printmaking studio with my friend Liz she showed me this creature she sewed together, and called it a 'goat worm', hahaha. I kind of adore it. It's cute. You can look at more pictures of it here:

Also the day I did a very small photo emulsion and silkscreening demo for people, Liz made log screens and it was so fun that we just started printing this log on friggin everything, hahaha. For some reason all of us are obsessed with drawing logs and stumps and stuff. When I saw that she made log pouches I was happy.

P.S. songs of the day:
Passion Pit - Little Secrets
Oh no! Oh my! - I Love You All The Time

They are both pretty upbeat electo-type songs and I like them! I like to print to things that are upbeat a lot too.

photos, art, downloads

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