things i feel good about

Nov 12, 2007 15:14

- seriously cutting down on my beef intake since september or so.  I've only had it about 3 times since, then which is a feat for me, as i like my meats.  but damn those cows are SO adorable.  turkey and chicken, meh.
-my chili obsession.  its fast, its healthy and damn is it good. 
-my being on a good plan track 2 days in a row.  gotta get it in when i can.  between all the episodes of the office and sleep.
-getting rid of a lot of my stuff.  i still have a ton of stuff, but its just a mind set.  i dont NEED anything.  My cat is not included in that, as she is not a thing but a being.  And I need beings in my life.  But yeah, feeling pretty good about casting off my belongings in a symbolic beginning of casting off excess weight that my body does not need to cart around anymore. 
-i love my cat.  and i love researching my i love her and why i need her, and why other people should also have an animal to love and be a friend to.  i love my plan.  i love it. 
-excited the dude at kurn hattin called back and told me to send in a cover letter and resume for the job of cottage parent.  never done those things in my life, but want to work there after marlboro.  hooray for oppurtunities! 
-life is ok, and if i focus on all the good things and remember them, i can deal with the negative and the bad in stride.  its a new way of thinking for me.  sometimes i fall back to the old way, like last night, but i just need to remember, there is so much to be happy about. 
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