Manga: Hitman Reborn
Chapter: 249 -251
Chap 249
Chibi version. Cute ^^
Now Yama can fly '___'
Nice scene XDD.
Goku looks more uke. Kikyou x Gokudera @___@
Uri joins battle.
Both Goku & Uri are cute ^^
Why is he so uke? '______'
Chap 250
Everyone are cool. Fong is really looks like Hibari '___'
Hello dynamites, long time to see them. And Uri's butt.
It's scene when Kikyou attacks Goku. Looking at their expression. Shouichi & Tsuna are worry but Yama looks shock. 8059? XDDD
Poor him.
Cool ^^
Chap 251
He's beautiful but i don't like him in sometime -_- .
Oh no, Shou-chan T_T
Yama defeats enemy's target in same time.
Goku: Good job, baseball freak
I need more 8059 moment >_< .
Except Tsuna, when does Goku worry other person? He changes a lot ^^
Daisy's immortal.
That's why Millifiore wins. They cheated.