Today is Tony's birthday: June 7th.
Both Tony & Hyuk had Twitter account in some months ago but they didn't follow each other.
But yesterday, it means Jun 6th, day before Tony's birthday, they make fans so happy because "They've followed each other on Twitter".
Well, follow each other isn't strange, things i notice is why they follow day before Tony's birthday XD.
Today Tony update 1 tweet:
생일 축하해주셔서 감사해요.. 근데 오늘은 정말 슬프고 우울하네요 혼자 술마시고 보내려고요
He said: Thank you for celebrating his birthday .. But he's really sad and depressed, it's supposed to drinking alone. Aww, Tony oppa *Hug*.
And Woo Hyuk oppa reply Tony's tweet. He made fans very happy cause they're waiting Tony & Hyuk chat together on Twitter XDD.
토니야 생일 진심으로 축하해 재원이도 전해 달래 그리고 30만원 돌려줬으면 한다고 내일 밥먹을 돈이 없어서.... 친구랑 등심 먹으러 가야되는데 꼭 달래
He said: Happy birthday to you, Jae Won also said this. He (means Jae Won) lacks money so give him 30000 won, he go to with friend... What the hell, Hyuk oppa ^"^
I'm waiting you said something sweet ^"^ . But i think it's fine cause you replied Tony's tweet XD.
Love it, it's cute anyway.
Woo Hyuk, Hee Jun & Beast celebrated Tony's birthday together in Jun 2nd.