First day of summer!

May 14, 2010 00:09

Finally some warmth has found it's way to Luleå! Today we got to enjoy our first taste of summer, with 29 °C in the sun and warm winds (yesterday it was 8°C). Aaah, it's days like this that I feel extra happy to be living a few hundred meters from the sea.

So we took our dog and set out for a walk in the sun, and the best part: WE DIDN'T EVEN NEED ANY JACKETS! (There is still ice and snow left, so if you aren't familiar with northern Sweden, just for the record it's normal to have snow from October till April) It was soooo nice and warm! So after a rough six months of winter and cold, finally the sun seemed to give us some warmth again! Not a minute too soon I tell you!

Bye bye winter and welcome summer!

☼ = ♥

The water was still very cold, but the air was definitely summer!

Sophie and Flisa on the beach/ice! :P

Flisa on the ice...

I also went over to Sophie a short while, and when I was about to go home their cat, Ängla, followed me, so I took a few pictures of her!♥

And the perfect dinner too! Chinese take-out! Noodles~!

2010, life, luleå, hanashika90, sweden

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