You know the drill! ;) <3

May 16, 2013 14:55

It is Ohkura Tadayoshi’s 28th birthday today, and this will be the fourth year that I make him a birthday post here on LJ. I’m not even sure if people go to my journal anymore, and I also don’t have any great idea for this year’s celebration. The fact that I only have to entries since my last Ohkura B-day post makes it really obvious of my lack of activity here. It’s a little bit sad, but since I’ve started University there’s been so many other things…

Either way, I feel that I need to and really want to make at least something for this day, because Ohkura is still a big part of my life. (I don’t care how lonely and pathetic that sounds, it’s still true.)


This year...

I feel like Ohkura has really continued to grow this last year and that resulting in him getting more attention. Which is well-deserved in my opinion. :)

Of course no one has missed out on Ohkura's Taiko no Tatsujin. I think it's funny how big it became and that some people actually got to know about him through this. It's a fun thing to watch, especially since it's not all that often the focus is completely on Tacchon. :) I think the might have gone on with it for a little too long, but I like what it gave Ohkura, a chance to really shine a show how good he actually is. I was simply amazed by the first episodes. Not so much anymore though. ;) Still, it has given the fans many good Ohkura-focused moments.

About his on-going drama, Otenki onee-san, I know that there are many who dislikes it. Still, I enjoy it every new episode and I think it was about time Ohkura got a new drama. The fact that his newest character is quite similar to Ishizu from "Holmes" doesn't really bother me either. He is charming and funny and I simply enjoy seeing him being a little silly and naïve. On another note I also really look forward to watching 100-kai naku koto, and since I'll be in Osaka this summer I'll try to watch it on the big screen! ;)

So, speaking of Ohkura in movies... I was honestly a little disappointed with the Eito Ranger movie, but the things I liked in it I really liked and one of those things was Ohkura's character. :) It was funny to see and every time the story switched to the 4 "on the side" I really enjoyed it. Ohkura is a natural at playing "stupid" and the dialect was really interesting too, especially since I really love Ohkura's voice.

Another thing Ohkura has gotten this year is a lot of small projects on his own, maybe the biggest one being his own show on radio. I actually have one of the episodes on my MP3 and just listen to it sometimes because I love hearing Ohkura talk. ^__^
Then his interest for food has gotten another angle to it than simply him stuffing himself, though he still does that of course, but he has also gotten the chance to cook, both on his own and on Janiben. I really like that, and after reading his J-webs, he too seems to be very happy and excited about it. And that makes me excited about it too.

Then I am of course INCREDIBLY happy that we after several years FINALLY got to see the TORN PV, though not all of it. But it was epic and I am so grateful the fans got to see it at last! Of course the whole 8sai DVD and the tour was epic as usual, and the games we're so fun to watch my stomach hurt. Especially the janken games with Ohkura. ;)

Sadly I don't really have time for anymore, and that's why there won't be any pic-spams this year. Also I think that most people just go to tumblr for pictures now... ^^'''

Only one last thing to say.

Happy Birthday Ohkura!!!
I hope you'll continue to make us fans happy with your laughter and love in this year too.

If you still want some more Ohkura you can go check out my 3 previous post for his Birthdays. HERE is my B-DAY post from 2 years ago, because somehow LJ doesn't let me give you links to any of the others!

Thank you for reading
I hope I'll see you again next year!
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