Here's a little meme to see who's reading my posts... so, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day that starts with the third letter of your LJ USERNAME. Only one word please. Then repost so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy - that's not as much fun!
Also, just a thought. Lately I feel so annoyed at people who just keep on complaining though it's not really that bad. Even if they try to make it sound like a joke it makes me sooo irritated! The worst part is that I'm one of them... Any suggestions how to stop?
Well, that was just a short shout-out from me. See you when I see you :P
Today I did mostly "nothing", but at least the sun was out so I took our dog to the beach, even though it was almost -20C cold. *brrrr*