Title: Scent
hanashiaru Pairing: YabuNoo
Rating: PG-15
Summary: A whore doesn't deserve a happy life. The hell I care.
Genre: Life. Romance.
Disclaimer: Own the plot only.
AN: It’s a for
koigaii , and I'm really sorry if it's... not satisfied .__. A side story of (
E.R.O.H.W.) but this is Inoo Kei's PoV
The hell I care because I was happy with the love he had been giving to me. Let me claim... this is a happy ending. )
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it depends on yourself how will you straightened this plot, na~
still many posibilities about the continuation, really. but it's rather awkward if i write them so just.. you can use your mind /runs
thanks for reading and spotting =))
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i didn't kill anybody for this time! =))
uuuhm ./////. one day i'll make another yabunoo .////.
but it's happy ending, ne? ne?
*pala lu hepi ending*
hwahahha ninjaaaa *nyanyi yuuki 100%* *???*
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