arh....Merry christmas and a Happy new year?>______>
Yes I know, i fail. I really wanted to post a challenge for the holidays, but my real life got so hectic around that time(last week of school, finding a company to do my internship this year, relationships(that didn't work out afterall)) And yeah, I totally forgot bout it till it was too late.
My apologies to anyone whom was looking forward for a winter holiday challenge m(__)m
Now, I don't come with this post only to say sorry! I also come to say that there'll be a new challenge!
It is for Gazette's anniversary!
And this time, it won't be a picture challange, but a music challange!
Wonder how and what?
It's easy. Pretty much the same idea as the picture challenge. If you want to take the challenge, you leave a comment on this entry, I will reply as soon as possible and give you a random song.
You will use this song to write a fanfic.
How you use the song is up to you. You may write a fic insipred by the lyrics, or the feeling of the music.
And, for example, (if it were me) and I'd get a rap song(I totally dislike rap) I could write a fanfic about Kai being anoyed at ruki's music or smth?
Just an idea that you don't need the fic to match the mood or lyrics, anything and anyway that the fic is related to the music is good.
The rules?
- This is a Kai community, fics must be centered around Kai.
- It would be a oneshot, but if you have time and will be able to finish it before the deadline, multi chaptered fics are allowed aswell.
( If you finished the first song and want to write another one, you can comment here again and you'll get a new song.)
- As for the minimum lenght. It doesn't really matter, as long as it's fanfic, and not a drabble.(so should be atleast more than 500 words)
- Please check out our
profile for some basic rules and the header format!(note: as for the header format, please remember the "theme" part got temporarily replaced by "Music promt" where you'll give a link to the song you got to write the fanfic to.) Please keep in mind, that the overall "theme" is Gazette's anniversary ofcourse.
The Deadline for this challenge will be the 10th of March!!!
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask!