we started the journey way too early in the mornings so after a train ride to takao we changed to the, i think it was keio, other line to go to the endstation. and there we were - nature, no combinis, no foreigner, a trick art muesum. a trick art museum?!
HOWEVER, we tried to ignore it and took the lift up to the trail section of takao mountain which took us about 15 minutes. we were looking for the zenith, the highest point and top of the worlddddd. so we started to walk. and we walked. and walked. and walked and didnt even realize that we were walking so much until we reached one point where we asked:
"can you tell us which way it is to the top?"
"you are right there."
"nono, we mean the top. zenith. the highest point."
"you reached it allready."
and we were there indeed. the view was so increddible that we stayed there for a while, breathing.
marmite and peanutbutter - all you need for a good start into the day (plus black coffee)
nobody was with us when we took the ??? line from takao.
met some vips..
the lift took us up to the starting point, 3km in the air!
liam likes it comfortable.
we reached the 1rst point.
!!! dangerous! monkeys steal from your pockets!
wo das moos gruener ist..
trees reflect trees.
statue not painting.
steps to the top.
the zenith.
trail 4