I'm Japaneesy.

Nov 09, 2010 22:49

Aah, so much good news yesterday! And all about Utada Hikaru! (or should I say Hikaru Utada now? XD)

As some of you may or may not know, my favorite artist Utada Hikaru announced in September that she was going on an hiatus. This completely depressed me to the point where I would cry listening to her songs. But, because of all the news yesterday, I cry no longer! ^_^

For starters, she's got an official youtube now! I was praying she would get one since nearly all her other videos have been taken down from YT. My wish came true! http://youtube.com/hikki ♥ If you don't know this amazing singer-songwriter, arranger, and record producer yet, you have no excuse anymore. Go watch her videos! Now! GO GO GO!

Two, her new music video is up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfpX8lkaSdk
You want to know why I'm in love with Japanese so much? Just... just... listen and watch! This song is absolutely amazing and Hikki is just absolutely amazing. This video is so fun and silly, and I love the references to her old videos. I don't think I've ever been a bigger fan of anyone but this girl.

And lastly, she's signed a worldwide contract with EMI (under the name Hikaru Utada) basically ensuring her return to the music business! And with more songs in both Japanese and English! ^_^

I'm feeling so much better about it all that I came up with a crazy idea! XP

In order to commemorate the release of her Single Collection Vol. 2, I've decided that I'm going to name my top 15 favorite Hikki songs ever (for now...). There will be one song revealed every day starting tomorrow 'til the release on the 24th.

As a preface, here are my favorite Hikki English songs, the ones she released under the name Utada. I suppose you can call them honorable mentions. XD

I was never really into Hikki's English songs as much as her Japanese ones but that doesn't mean I didn't like them. Just, in my opinion her English stuff was lacking something... not sure what.

No particular order. Just my five four favorite Utada songs. This next song will always be my number one favorite though. (until she writes more English songs of course)

1. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI

Listen here!

I loved this song from the very first time I listened to it. Actually, this is the song that made me try out the rest of her English stuff, when I first began to listen to her. The lyrics are as quirky and fun as Hikki herself and the piano is beautiful. And as expected, so much fun live! So much love. ♥♥♥ (I wished she'd made a music video!)

2. Easy Breezy. Yes, I'm serious.

image Click to view

Yes, I love this song and I don't care! "You're easy breezy and I'm Japaneesy" is just brilliant. Also, Hikki in a bathing suit. ;D

I think this is one of the things I appreciate most about Hikki's English music; we get to see the sillier side of her. :P

4. Kremlin Dusk & You Make Me Want To Be A Man

...we also get to see a more rock side of her. Yes, I know I'm cheating by putting two songs in one but I'm not talking about the individual track songs. I'm talking about her performance of these songs back to back on Utada United 06:

image Click to view

Pure magic. After watching this performance, I cannot get enough of these songs now! Hearing this same arrangement live (but on a smaller stage of course) was maybe, the third best part of seeing her perform live. ♥♥♥

4. Exodus '04

Listen here!

An extremely unrated song. The only problem it has is that it's dated with the "'04". Other than that, it's perfect. Love the story in the lyrics. Also, this is where I came up with "this is my story", not Final Fantasy X as you may have been thinking. XD.

And now, to conclude this long entry, I leave you with this.


favorite hikki songs, single collection vol. 2, utada hikaru

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