Guess what?today is KAT-TUN's 9th Anniversary~ and also the first day of year in my country calendar.
it is amazing that my year starts w/ KAT-TUN anniversary,i feel like the calendar is celebrating w/ me~
usually i try to make event posts short and post wallie to not make it boring but i don't want to hold my feeling back now so it is going to be mix of nonesenses and KAT-TUN,prepare yourself if you have decided to read until the end:XD
2-3 years ago deep in my heart i thought they are my new hobby that i'll stick to them madly for a while~ and when you are mad fangirl about something you look at it in different thinking you love them the most,you are afraid of growing cold toward them later or you think/want to love them forever like now...i think i'm over this phase now...rather than wanting them forever they are melted w/ my soul now...
i'm free...they set me free...i can whatever i want...but somehow it is like a miracle i always come back to the end of everyday,every week,every month,every year KAT-TUN is my is like no matter how fun hanging out w/ friends can be, once you return at home throw yourself on nearest sofa and think "Ahhh glad i'm finally home~"...
i used to get jelly of other groups,count sales,think about numbers, they are still important but KAT-TUN is the most important~anything comes in 2nd place...
idk i'm in love w/ my current shape of love for KAT-TUN.
KAT-TUN doesn't make me is lie if i say KAT-TUN make me happy all the time...instead KAT-TUN makes me feel alive...KAT-TUN is love...when in love you aren't happy yet you are happy w/ that unstable feeling&worries you have for your love,right?you spend great deal of time to find out what is that phenomenon in your heart make it beat faster,idk at least for me love isn't all good is more like enjoying all kind of feelings in 1 moment and so is KAT-TUN.that's why KAT-TUN is love.
KAT-TUN since 2013.10 is strange~
before it was lovely times and awesome moments which i loved and will love but they are changing since then... changing in many they have future~ they are doing everything w/ plan...and i think they will succeed...and i'm glad to be in such days...before it was imagination,unclear spectrum of the past now it is reality...
the songs are awesome~ every single is tied up w/ movie or drama~ we have 1 weekly regular bagumi~ we also have 1 monthly regular bangumi w/ KT ssinging awesome medley on it each month~ each member has his own show~ the concerts and tours are yearly~ everyone are getting equal attention in PVs~ despite fans talk i think promos are much better compared to pre 2013 and i don't feel like they are being negleted by agency anymore~ and many other things~
it is just pure bliss... i have no complain even to JE...i can really feel they are rising the slope they fell in once... somehow everything is promising...this guys are relaible srsly! i can sit assured believe in them and in better future~ THIS feeling is new...
at time like this~
i remember fire and ice,where they decided to not go back,to keep fighting for their glory even if they fall down or they had to start from zero.
i remember phoenix which is Reborned KAT-TUN's fighting spirit,decision and determination,it is hot battle in the fire but feels like KAT-TUN extending their hand to us to take us eternal heavens...
i remember bokunari no koi lyrics...when they decided their own style of love is to not promise about future instead promise that we smile the moment we are with them... where our distance to the future that we laugh together in it is 3 years (2013 song,2016 is their long waited 10th anniv)
i remember in fact, "no matter how much stained,a heart will never lie" and decide follow what my heart tells me about them...
because as it is in Dead or Alive in this unresettable game called "life" ,while keeping their unchangable feeling deep inside they want to hold on us~
and now in Race Goes On! they wont let it end,they will never go down,letting us feeling their beat and their race will go on~ as long as life goes on...
i just love drawning in KAT-TUN's lyrics~ most of their songs are world of their own! as for me ganbare KAT-TUN,i decided to not go back too,take your hands to the eternal heavens,and simle/laugh each moments i'm watching you even if it is a cold pun!,follow my heart and keep my unchangable feeling deep inside,i'll proudly stand aside and sway the "viva KAT-TUN" flag until you win the race~ i believe in you 4Ev3r♥
all my feeling about KAT-TUN's from now on is portrized on this wallie~ wanted to make it much better but had no time this year~ not what i imagined to make but still my original feeling♥
(originaly 1366*768,open in new tab for full size)