2 more days till vacations begin....(Or should I say one?)

Aug 08, 2009 18:54

Well,anyway the main point is that I am leaving!Ok I don't want to complain for the 364596236299 time but three weeks?? Now is the time when a laptop would be really handy.However there is also the bright side (κι ομως υπαρχει κι αυτη).First of all,this time we have not only beds but electricity as well.So  I'll just read and read and read......and of course at night I am going to watch the amazing sky we have there! Oh and if you're wondering what the hell I am going to read for so many days.....well from japanese to university notes for classes I want to give this September.Not to mention that I 'll get more than 7 literature books!Reading ,gazing stars and sleeping!What a great life...
Well thank God that this time some of my friends are going to pay me a visit so I won't be all alone (I am waiting don't you even dare not show up!).As I had quite a lot of time to write something in my livejournal the truth is that a lot of things have happened but for a lot of reasons as always I couldn't find the time to write.Soooo one of the best things that happened recently was that Aiba gets a new drama finally after a long time.And not just any drama but a quite interesting for me at last.Honestly you never know unless you see but I really think it will be a good drama!Ohkura and Yassu will be in a drama too but I didn't pay any attention to the plot (can't you blame me?).Oh and btw Arsinoi if the last of your wishes also comes true about dramas I am going to kill you!No really,I am not laughing!I don't care how subconscious or conscious your wish is! The only way to tolerate with it,is to have both a second season of Koshonin and Liar game,then perhaps you can have your wish.
Moving on last week we went to Aigio and after that to Kopanaki where we celebrated PIW riida's birthday!We had quite a lot of misfortunes with our transportation (friendly advice:try to avoid using the train for Peloponnisos,you will be sure to regret it if you do!) from having the same seats with other passengers to paying for a train that should actually carry chickens and not people!. Well, we missed our train because we didn't pay close attention to the ticket but for that I cannot blame anyone,it just happened.Overall we had a great time!
But the most interesting part was when we went to buy the tickets.We were told to wait an hour so we were wandering aimlessly to the station when Zoe jokingly said "It would be really great if we saw a bishi right now".It wouldn't be more than 10 seconds after wards when she tells me "Look straight ahead".And there he is in front of us!
And then Zoe says "Imagine if there were two!"Straight after that he stood up and went to see inside where there was air-condition and of course as people who are are really sensitive to heat(cough cough) we went too.Guess what!Two of them! We rushed and sat in front of them and then ....the plotting began.We tried to make some of our friends to call us but THEY CHOSE THE RIGHT TIME NOT TO RESPOND!Luckily they called and the ringtone was heard(thanks!Arashi-truth btw).They were really surprised but the big bang came when we asked them what was the meaning of a phrase on my phone strap.They were really kind (more than I would expect).After that they started a conversation and I could understand 95% of it.I didn't speak because truly speaking is a whole new matter in every language I study but I was really happy to communicate with them!Ganbare Zoe!!!(Oh and senpai you have to teach us the trick with the phone.We are still wondering how on earth did you call without a blink!)The funny part was that next to us,while the conversation was taking place,were a bunch of guys that must have used almost all the insults of my native language.Yes yes we get it you are the men so could you please shut your mouth for 5 minutes?
Well all these pleasant things happened along with some that are not so pleasant and I would prefer not to mention them.Before I leave however I would like to put this here

Toma is having a new movie on January of 2010 but apparently he is trying to kill us all before we get to see the movie!And I can't really understand all these complains wailing "where is the old Toma?we miss the goofy Toma". It's ridiculous!!He is a person who changes like everybody else.If you prefer the old Toma then stick to it and don't complain.
HAPPY END TO PARALIAKH TODAY!!!It was a great story in many aspects...
credits for the image:toma_gallery

dramas fall season, aigio, vacations, bishies everywhere, johnnys, i love my friends so much, andros

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