Hello there!!!!It's been a while but you have to blame my luck for that. The day I really wanted to write something the whole internet connection of my neighborhood failed.OTE ftw or what?The truth is I wanted to write about the things I initially hated when I entered the whole jmusic and jdrama fandom and now but the list I had written is still home(and I am at the university ) so I'll just have to postpone it for a few days
.I have class in about 3 hours and a half but I had to get here that early in order not to miss the deadline.We had to choose whether we would study literary or linguistics classes from now on.Didn't miss the deadline but now of course I am bored to death!Not to mention the fact that almost two months have passed and the results of the tests we wrote are zero!Have I mentioned how much I love the way this country is so fully organized?Well it's never enough,is it?Wouldn't it be so much fun if by the end of this semester we still wouldn't know if we passed anything?As I was told it has happened before (and probably will happen many times again,don't forget organization!!).
Well last time when the whole internet took a break without my permission of course, I wanted to write about a bishie i saw while I was at my university.However I have told to a lot of people already about him I couldn't help it,he was really good looking) so this time I will talk about the absurdity of my Friday.It was the first day I came to school after Monday and I was so bored.The only reason I came was because we would get a book . Εκανα λοιπον την καρδια μου πετρα και ηρθα.Not to mention that I could also subscibe for the classes then but the office was closed due to strike!Yeah,they work soooooo much that now they are protesting too.
Anyhow when I got to class I was informed that we would write a test.Booooring!!Last time I had to write a test like that,was last year.Imagine two hours of reading and then to write two writings.Να διορθωσουνε κανα μαθημα δεν προλαβαινουνε να βαζουνε τεστακια ξερουνε ομως!The tragedy though is that I prefered a thousand times the test rather than what followed.I had been warned that the teacher of the next class is extremely boring and difficult to understand so after eating something I went to class with Stelina.We had brought of course our japanese notebooks to study while we would wait patiently for the time to pass.After all it would just last for two hours and an half.(or so we though)Time can be a torture after all!I lasted 15 minutes,then the sleep began.I want to emphasize ONCE AGAIN that I was not paying attention to him I was studying like a good student (that I am ) my kanji.Honestly I truly believe that he is the most boring teacher I have ever heard.I am not saying he doesn't know what he is saying(after all I wasn't paying attention) but GOD he is soooo boring that actually half of his class on last semester wanted to change into another class.I don't even want to start considering what exactly I am going to write when this semester ends.I think the phrase of Stelina sums up how wonderful his class was :It's the first time I am seeing a man competing in boredom with the grass that is growing(couldn't agree more!!!!! 1000000 φορες το γρασιδι ομως?!).Finally this day didn't go completely to waste as a friend of mine who was reading the Athens Voice gave me an extract to read that made both Stelina and myself burst into laughter(after all it is funny even as it is but if you know the hidden meaning it's even funnier).
There is a column that is named "Ξερεις εσυ" that people send messages for people they know.However they send messages in a code probably so that the other part will know it's them.That's why the majority of times these messages may seem completely incomprehensible to other people reading them.So I am quoting as good as I can remember what the message was "Το μικρο χαμογελαστο δελφινι αναπαυοταν στα ψηφιδωτα της Δηλου.Κολυμπουσαμε μαζι μεχρι το πρωι!!"Ok seriously now,Μικρο χαμογελαστο δελφινι?OMG ομως!Couldn't stop laughing really!
Oh and by the way I will not eat until 6 o'clock today (εφερα βεβαια φρυγανιες για να αντεξω).You know why?Because every Monday afternoon (at least Monday happens for me to see them) two japanese guys eat at the cafeteria of my university.Wouldn't be a shame to be here and not see them(yes it would be!)After all one of them is quite a bishie.I have even noticed their spot so I always sit on the opposite side to have a good view(η ζωη θελει καλοπεραση and bishies can offer it after all!)Well I am going now,hope to write back soon.
To all of you, have a bishi day everyday..............