Quite the romantic title,too bad the content is completely irrelevant(with the exception of Paris of course!). 3 more days left ,but as a veeeery long time has passed since then I don't remember a lot of things anymore so I'll just write the most important events that occurred during these days ( at least what I can still remember).
DISNEY DAYYYYYYY!!!Ok I have to admit it was amazing despite the cost (almost 50 euros to get in and do anything you like )It's true that you had a lot to choose but you had to wait even 1 hour to get to some of the activities)First of all ,we got to the ship.It was fun ,just doing a circle inside a small lake!!Then we tried our luck to the haunted house which was not really scary but anyhow (However I am pretty sure that if Jin was inside he would have definitely screamed-όχι που δε θα πέταγα εγώ κακία για το Jin, χιχιχιχιχι). After that something really unexpected happened,Stelina couldn't find her ticket .Unfortunately she didn't manage to find it even thought we thoroughly searched her bag-trust me that took a long time as she never throws away ANYTHING!).Well even that didn't stop us from having an amazing time.The girls went to Alice's maze(which was more of trails as I was told while I was listening to Abingdon Boys School and gazing at the little children.Seriously now ,while I was in Disneyland I was sick from all the blond haired ,blue-eyed kids.They were all the same like someone had copied -pasted them(of course they all cried like crazy).Πόσο δίκιο έχουν τελικά αυτοί που λένε πως θέλουμε πάντα αυτό που είναι διαφορετικό!!!Anyhow,we managed even with two tickets (Γλυκά μάτια στους θυρωρούς κι όλα λύνονται χαχαχαχαχα).Another one I got in with Ioanna was eeeeeeeee hmmmmmmmmmm ok ok I don't remember the title but we had to put on some amazing 3-D glasses and we thought we were shrunk.Really it was amusing.
However the one and only thing I will not forget about Disney was shopping(even If I want to,I can't with all the souvenirs I have brought from that day,bought a lot of gifts for my friends and my parents but my favorite is definitely the pink huge jacket with Minnie I bought.I am wearing it now and it is sooooooooooooo warm !!!(πλάκα πλάκα εκείνη τη μέρα πραγματικά ΔΕΝ θέλω να σκεφτώ καν το πόσα ξοδέψαμε).Another thing that caught my attention was how clean the toilets (normally this should not be such a big deal but as I live in Athens ,the city that nothing is correctly organized,it came as a surprise especially as I didn't think French would keep their toilets clean).Τουλάχιστον εκεί οι τουαλέτες ήταν καθαρές γιατί απο τις δημόσιες......άστο καλύτερα.
Finally to close the day,the parade was amazing too!! And also Peter Pan and Eric from the Ariel were hot stuff!!
NORMANDYYYYYY!!Amazing landscapes if nothing else!!We had the chance to try mussels(first time for me,combined with fries), also other seafood (that I wouldn't eat anywhere else) and for dessert yogurt with some kind of syrup.All these plates as a menu for 15 euros (άμα βρίσκατε ποτέ στην Έλλαδα έστω και μόνο τα μύδια με 15 ευρώ ,σφυράτε μου,και μάλιστα ήταν και τεράστια μερίδα).Of course we had ice-cream after that!!Then we got to another town where I will never forget the little patisserie we got into to buy some chocolate.You bought 3 pieces of chocolate, which was put on a plate and that cost you approximately 15 euros.(καμία σχέση με το ελληνικό σύστημα "Ρε μάστορα,βάλε 2 κιλά εκλέρ και 1 απ'αυτό με τη σοκολάτα από πάνω- από τα καλά μας!!!)
Last time we had breakfast to the hotel and quickly took our luggage to visit the Chantilly Castle!!Σκέτη καλύβα κι αυτό like all the other places we had visited.It had as I remember amazing ceilings and a very beautiful harp in one room. They told us that if we walked for 20 minutes we could even see kangaroos but we were really tired so after shopping a little we just went back (θυμάμαι χαρακτηριστικά πως στο πούλμαν είχαμε πιάσει κουβέντα για το Bleach loooool!!
Final stop before the airport was "Valle d'Europe" No big deal actually but there was an amazing manga shop where I bought my wallet with Tinkerbell.Consumerism FTW in Paris! I even had the chance to try the French milfeiille which compared to the one in Greek was reeaaaally awful.Trust me I am not prejudiced at all!Maybe I expected too much but it really was not anything worth eating.Before leaving we even bought something from the French Bershka (με την ψυχή στο στόμα τρέχαμε πάλι στο πούλμαν).
Then we were taken to the airport where we had THE stress if our luggage would be overweighted .You simply cannot picture what we went through to close the suitcases (not mine because I took stuff from the other two girls).Thank God we didn't have a problem with the weight,17 kilos I think was the heaviest.Mine was 12 but I was the only one who had to carry it because it didn't have any wheels.After that home sweet home!Paris the end,cu soon!