Τρελη εκδρομουλα στο Δηλεσι με κολλητους ...και ποιος μας πιαανειιιιιιι!!! (Part 2)

Sep 12, 2008 11:14

See,didn't take me too long this time!The truth is that although I enjoy writing,when I have to write it down to the computer με πιανει η βαρεμαρα μου.Ooooh anyhow,where was I?Ah yes ,Mrs Misery ειχε επιτελους ξεκουμπιστει and the good part is about to begin!
Well that afternoon we had plans.We wanted to swim in the sea at night.No one had ever done it before and we all wanted to try it(ασχετως αν μερικοι φοβοντουσαν πολυ με την ιδεα,μην το αρνηστε τα ξερω ολα!).However there was a change of plans so we decided that night to go to λουνα παρκ (καλα μη φανταστειτε ,the only thing you can do is trampoline,play basketball or practice shooting).Same thing happens when I am on the trampoline,every year I realize that I'm getting older (εσυ εκει πιασε μου μια το μπαστουνι μου!) and it is getting even more difficult to do the things I did(η μαλλον οχι φερε το πι,που να κουραζομαι με το μπαστουνι τωωωρα..)Παιζει να ημασταν και οι μονοι πελατες,μιλαμε για τρελο συνωστισμο!We played basketball and of course we won(ειπαμε ,I never lose!)one whistle and three lighters(το γεγονος πως δεν καπνιζει κανεις δεν μας αποθαρρυνε ουδολως!)After that it was shooting time!A friend of mine insisted so much that we didn't really have a choice.We laughed so much!!!She kept trying,not to shoot but to just hold the gun correctly(ξερετε αυτες τις καραμπινες).All the rest of us held our distance ( 2 μετρα περα ειμασταν),giving her directions how to aim(I am so dead when she reads that!!!)Hey,it's not my fault,even the boy who worked there didn't come near you (sorry but apparently we all wanted to get out of there alive).The best part is that her first shot hit almost the center of the target.We were so surprised (και ο τυπας που δουλευε εκει ηταν σε φαση wtf just happened?)Of course she was like"See,I knew I have talent!"I n the end we all won a souvenir(even me despite the fact that I didn't play at all,θα πρεπει να τον επρηξα πολυ τον ανθρωπο για το ποσο μου αρεσε αυτο το σκυλακι στη γωνια but it was not my fault it was so kawaiiiiii!!After that we also went to the one and only cafeteria in Dilesi στο "Ξυλινο".We stayed there for a while to enjoy our cold drinks and after gossiping a little we headed back home.
Oh that night,we also had an incident.A dog followed us home and also entered the house through the bars as we soon found out.We were on the first floor at that time when we heard noise so we guessed it was the dog and started going down in order to take it out.When all 5 of us were outside the house κι εγω με τον κολλητο μου ειχαμε κατεβει τη σκαλα εντελως(οι αλλοι ηταν λιγο πιο πισω) we heard the dog (or dogs as we thought at the time)barking really loudly!Honestly the expression "χεστηκαν απο το φοβο τους" couldn't describe the situation more accurately.Τρομοκρατημενοι ανεβηκαμε 3-3 τα σκαλια και ισα που προλαβα να κλεισω την πορτα πριν μπει.Have you ever watched as a child the coyote ?you know,the cartoon?(yes,the one constantly chasing the beep beep!!)Ε καπως ετσι τρεχαμε κι εμεις να γλιτωσουμε,τα σαρωσαμε ολα στο διαβα μας.We were exaggerating but I was so afraid at the time that I couldn 't walk out of the house for some time.When we managed to get down we tried to make it leave but it kept coming back so we made a fence(it's not some kind of metaphor)with ropes,bricks και τις ψαθες για τη θαλασσα.Ουτε ο Bob o μαστορας τετοια κατασκευη!
Oh well nothing tragic happened that day.We went for our bath in the morning and FINALLY we decided to try και το βραδινο μπανακι as well.Of course we went when it was still afternoon so that we would get used to the light slowly fading away.Oh it was fantastic!!!Compared to what I expected the sea was warm and the feeling of being inside the sea and looking at the stars at the same time is beyond words.(However I have to admit πως το βραδινο μπανιο is ideal for couples,αλλα και για τους υπολοιπους ειναι τελειο,τολμηστε το,ειδικα και με μεγαλη παρεα εχει πολυ πλακα).That's it!End of story!Overall we had  a great time.Αντε παιδια και του χρονου!Και να μην ακουσω ΚΑΝΕΝΑΝ να μου λεει καλο χειμωνα.Summer is aliiiiveeeeeeee.................CU soon.......

vacations, dilesi, summer, i love my friends so much

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